Category: Start.

We know a lot about business law, and we love to share it.

As business lawyers, we thrive on information and best practices. And we like to share our insights and tips to help your business succeed. Follow along to stay up to date with our thoughts on business, law and all around practical advice. Our blogs explore better ways to do business.

  1. Biotech Startup Lawyer

    Choosing the right biotech startup lawyer is critical to your company’s success. This decision ranks among the most important that you initially need to make as you launch and grow your new biotech venture. Since choosing the right biotech startup lawyer directly impacts your company’s success, you will need to consider a variety of factors when…

  2. How to Incorporate a Business – 8 Reasons Why You Should

    Why should you incorporate your business? You will face this question once you launch your business and start to formalize its structure. We explain below many of the reasons why forming a corporation is an important first step in starting and structuring your business.

  3. Startup Questions: Answer the Bell at Our Friday Free-For-Alls

    Answering Your Startup Questions During this Challenging Time We hope that you and your loved ones are, and continue to be, healthy and safe as you navigate the challenges of Covid-19. Even though the business landscape and our work environments have changed dramatically, we need to lace up our gloves and continue advancing our companies…

  4. Stock Options: What Are They & How Do They Work?

    What Are Stock Options? Stock Options provide the holder, or the Optionee, with the right to buy a certain number of shares of Common Stock at a fixed Exercise Price over a certain period of time, so long as certain conditions are met.  As the value of your company increases, the Stock Option becomes more…

  5. Startup Structure: Keep the End in Mind

    Planning Your Startup Structure Just as you planned for the launch of your startup, you need to prepare for the possibility of its eventual sale.  Planning startup structure well in advance for the potential sale of your company can preemptively address many issues that may arise when it comes time to negotiate a sale with…

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