Category: Fund.

We know a lot about business law, and we love to share it.

As business lawyers, we thrive on information and best practices. And we like to share our insights and tips to help your business succeed. Follow along to stay up to date with our thoughts on business, law and all around practical advice. Our blogs explore better ways to do business.

  1. Raising Money with “General Solicitation” – 3 Key Points that You Need to Know

    Raising Money is critical for entrepreneurs and small business owners who are starting and growing their companies. There are three key issues that you should understand regarding the upcoming changes to Rule 506 and how they will affect your ability to raise startup, working and growth capital for your company.

  2. How the JOBS Act can help you raise money for your startup

    JOBS Act Overview Prior to April 2012, (the JOBS Act) a Privately-Held Company could not raise money over the Internet, because the Federal Securities Laws did not allow Financing transactions that used General Solicitation or general advertising to potential Investors. Equity Crowdfunding Is Coming! The reason was that this type of general outreach to potential…

  3. Is Your Company Fiscally Fit?

    How can you determine if your company is financially healthy? As CEO, what questions should you ask to make sure that your business is achieving its best financial performance? David W. Kramer (, an experienced CFO and the owner of Outsource CFO Services, prepared a checklist.

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