Done Incorporating? 13 Steps to Continue Advancing Your Business
Now that you’re done incorporating, it is time to get down to business.
Tackle these 13 tasks after incorporation and keep your company on track and pointed in the right direction.
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Category: Exit.
We know a lot about business law, and we love to share it.
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Now that you’re done incorporating, it is time to get down to business.
Tackle these 13 tasks after incorporation and keep your company on track and pointed in the right direction.
Are you growing your company with the goal of selling it one day and having a successful exit? Whether you already have started your company or you are settling into the starting block and getting ready to launch, it is important to plan ahead and think about how to position your company for its eventual sale.
You need to read the contract before you sign it. It sounds simple. And it should be.But there are so many people out there who don’t take the time to read important agreements, or don’t make the effort to understand them, or rely too much on the wrong people for guidance. They later find out that they have really bad agreements in place and limited options to make things better.
We love sharing our secrets for business success, so sign up for our latest blog posts, articles and upcoming events.